“The willingness of America’s veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude.”
— Jeff Miller
It began with a simple idea.
Imagine someone teaching veterans how to make something, and a store selling products made by veterans.
But the store doesn’t take any of the money...
The teacher doesn’t take any of the money...
In fact, 100% of the profits go directly to the veterans so they can buy their own equipment to practice this new craft they have learned.
This isn’t a therapy program, but there will be therapeutic effects.
It isn’t a job program, but could result in some jobs.
It’s just an idea about how to better help the men and women who fought for our country, who stood between us and danger, and who came back looking for new ways to be be a part of their community and country.
A Call to Shoulders is not just a physical space, but it’s also a mindset to serve those who have served our country. Adjusting to civilian life and finding one’s way again can be challenging. By equipping veterans with a new craft and machinery, they can bring their unique life experiences and their beautiful craftwork to the world while also make a fair living.